easily cooked. NO. My main reason for loving bacon is because it is 100%, without a doubt. Undeniably. Good for you. And let me prove to you why.
- It scientifically makes you happier; You've seen them. Those people taking their first bite of bacon, either after a long night out or off a fresh diet. That smile. Unbreakable---- Happiness!
- It makes you live longer; refer to number one. It's a fact. Happier people live longer.
- You will do more with your life. Simple logic say, if you live longer, you will do more. FACT.
- You will be more active. Because you will do more in your life, that "more" will be directly related to being more active.
- You will look better. Ever notice what a super active person looks like? They're tan, fit and always have a smile on their face.
- You will never be alone. Because you look so amazing. You'll have all the dates you'll ever want.
- Your family will picture perfect. Because you were able to have your choice of a mate, you will undoubtedly pick a mirror of your perfection. Thus. You will have the smartest and most beautiful of children.
So there they are. My scientifically proven reasons that bacon is good for you. They are without a doubt irrefutable; as long as you are a bacon lover. And if not. Then I suggest you buy a package to see what the fuss is all about. You'll be happy you did.
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