Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Favorite Coffee for People Watching

I am not a coffee connoisseur.  Truth be told.  It almost all tastes the same to me.  Now I can tell the difference between Folgers and some exclusive brew that was extracted from a $100,000 machine.  But you know.  Coffee just isn't one of those things that makes me super excited to drink (more of a tea guy anyway).

This however does not extract me from really enjoying a good cup of joe. But what makes me enthused about such isn't so much the coffee as it is the experience that goes along with it.

If you're like me.  Having a $3.00 Americano (or a $5.00 latte) is best served with interesting, crazy, funny people entering in and out of ear shot.

So, my favorite coffee?  Here are a few places for them:

  • Seattle Coffee Works, near Pike Place Market.  Grab a cookie, a latte and watch everything around you. 
  • Starbucks, Pacific Place Mall.  You get the Nordy's crowd and everyone is just so damn beautiful.
  • Cherry St. Coffee, near Mud Bay in Belltown.  It's a hipster group that works there, but they're pretty nice.
  • Espresso Vivace, Cap Hill.  The pastries are fantastic and it's Cap Hill.  It's always a show.
  • Bang Bang Cafe, Belltown.  Amazing burritos and the traffic from Western Avenue brings everyone by.
  • Victrola, Cap Hill.  Sit outside, grab one of their herbal teas and watch what rolls down Pike St.  You'll love it. 

On a sunny day like this.  Take a break from work. Recharge and just enjoy people at their most interesting.

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